Raising Awareness on the Black Sea Marine Litter Training with 4-6 years of Islamic Pre School-Students

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Türkçe (Turkish)
In the scope of EU, CBC, BSB 785 LitOUTer Project, another training to raise awareness and reduce marine litter in the Black Sea has been conducted on May 30th 2022. The training was targeting the Quran Course pupils and teachers at an Islamic Quran Pre School in Surmene, Trabzon.
The training was started with a simple presentation of multiple pictures by Prof.Dr. Etuğ DÜZGÜNEŞ. Demonstrations on how to handle litter were shown. These pictures and demonstrations were shown to distinguish between good and bad manners toward litter in the environment. Pupils were trained to ask older people not to litter their environment and do more recycle. During the training, pupils were served with milk and toys (project educational material). Afterward, the LitOUTer Project Turkish Coordinator Prof.Dr. Fatma Telli KARAKOÇ told a story about “Mersin fish” (an endangered-Black Sea original fish) the Black Sea hero. The pupils were enthusiastic to raise their hands and tell their opinion on zero litter to the Black Sea. In fact, some pupils shared the idea of recycling with their peers. When questioned, “who wants to be like Mersin fish-the hero of the Black Sea?” all pupils raised their hands. At least 60 pupils of participated the training. At the end of the session, the school teacher allows the students to play with the project materials toys. |