Training with Students of Trabzon Social Science High School for LitOUTer Project Raising Awareness and Reducing Marine Litter in the Black Sea
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In the scope of EU, CBC, BSB 785 LitOUTer Project, another training to raise awareness and reducing marine litter in the Black Sea has been conducted on May 13th 2022. The training was targeting the students and teacher at the Trabzon Social Science High School.
Trabzon Social Science High School is one of the top high schools of the city. Currently, the school conduct an environment-related project. Therefore, LitOUTer Project objectives has meet the school vision in student education. This training is a follow-up action of the project communication with the teachers. To realize the great ideas of LitOUTer Project, cooperation with parties is the key to spread the messages of the project. |
The training was started with a presentation by the LitOUTer Project Turkish Coordinator Porf.Dr. Fatma Telli KARAKOÇ. After the presentation, the school teacher was sum up the topic to the participants. At least 102 students of were participated the training. Some project publication materials such as posters, toys, and game were displayed. At the end of the session, the project materials including toys and puzzle were hand to the teacher as a gift to the school. These materials will be used as education materials in the school.