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The Black Sea is a fragile marine environment, countries continue to dump their pollutants/ wastes/ litters via river basin discharges. A solution coming from a single country is worthed nothing while litter carrying by rim current flow all around the Black Sea coasts. By this approach, four coastal countries should be in cross border cooperation under this project to improve the permanent solution to reduce litter discharges to the Black Sea. We, as partners, believe that LITTER “OUT” is not a dream for the Black Sea environment.
All partners will test the efficiency of current instruments, programs and initiatives to protect the Black Sea. Each partner country will work in their own coast and hinterland about 50 km inside from the coast along the river basin. During the project implementation period, partners will analyse their areas by means of;
- Waste collecting facilities,
- Amount of collected solid wastes (data from responsible institution),
- Training and litter collection activities on coastal areas (involving all partners in their sampling areas)
- Training and litter collection activities in the research vessels (Turkish and Bulgarian coasts)
- Workshops, meetings, questionnaires (two times; at the beginning and end of the project), symposium for raising awareness of the stakeholders and transferability of project outputs.
Scientists and decision makers know what the sources of the marine litter are, on the other hand, the public, villagers, students never realise what happens when thrown litter fate and effects on their environment and their life. Folk who live from 50 km inside from coast never realised that how their solid wastes can reach the sea by runoff or atmospheric transportation.
In the project, litter transportation ways with many vectors will demonstrate . This action will raise the stakeholder’s awareness which is crucial step for reducing marine litter at the source. They will realize that, unconscious throw and/or uncontrolled dumped solid wastes which are moved along the rivers and finally reached to the sea basin.