The Second Workshop of BSB 785 (LitOUTer) Project “Marine Litter Movement in the Black Sea”

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A workshop for modeling marine litter of the (LitOUTer) Project has been carried out in Trabzon, Turkey. This workshop is the second agenda of a series of LitOUTer Project workshops which aims to demonstrate the achievement of the project to the local stakeholders and public. The workshop was held for two days on March 15-16th 2022. The first day of the workshop was held in Turkish for the local stakeholders while the second day was held in English for the project partners and international participants. A total of thirty-two people were participated in the workshop on-site and online (via ZOOM). The workshop was participated on-site by representatives of local stakeholders such as Ortahisar Municipality, Ministry of Health, Trabzon Port Public Authority, Trabzon Port Management Private Sector, TURMEPA (NGO), and media. Also, the workshop was participated on-site and online (hybrid) by project partners from three countries (Bulgaria, Georgia, and Romania). These are the Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) and the Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS) from Bulgaria, the International Center for Business and Economic Development (IBEDC) from Georgia, the Mare Nostrum NGO (MN), and the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” (NIMRD) from Romania. In this workshop, participants were informed with physical characteristics of the Black Sea, wind and current-driven convection modeling to predict the movement of marine litter from four river discharges (Sürmene River, Coruhi River, Danube River, and Kamchia River). The movement of marine litter in the Black Sea (sources and accumulation sites) calculated using the POM model developed by experts has been demonstrated. As a result, marine litter entering the Black Sea environment will be moving following through surface circulation and transferring to the other part of the Black Sea. This demonstration aimed to raise public awareness and reduce marine litter for the protection of the Black Sea ecosystem. The movement of marine litter in the Black Sea which was demonstrated during the workshop is open access and available online on the LitOUTer Project website ( The workshop has aroused curiosity and discussion on planning the proper waste management in the city to prevent negative impacts on the Black Sea ecosystem.
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