LitOUTer Project Raising Awareness and Reducing Marine Litter in the Black Sea Activity with Students of İstanbul Stock Exchange Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School

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In the scope of EU, CBC, BSB 785 LitOUTer Project, another training to raise awareness and reducing marine litter in the Black Sea has conducted on March 7th, 2023. The training was targeting the students and teachers of the Trabzon İstanbul Stock Exchange Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School.
The training was started with an opening speech by the school director, Mrs. Lütfiye KUL then a brief explanation by the LitOUTer Project leader Assoc.Prof.Dr. Coşkun ERÜZ continued with the presentation by Prof.Dr. Hacer SAĞLAM. In the presentation, Prof.Dr. Hacer SAĞLAM emphasized the irreversible effects of plastic waste on humans and living organisms, and the most economical way to reduce and prevent this effect is not to throw garbage into nature. Students actively participated in discussion sessions and share their ideas for reducing the impact of waste on the environment. At least 73 people took part at the training. The training session was closed with a group photo in front of the school.