Workshop of the LitOUTer Project: the Contribution of Stakeholders and National and Regional Approaches to Reduce Marine Litter Pollution in the Black Sea

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Another workshop of the LitOUTer (BSB-785) Project has been carried out in Trabzon, Turkiye. This workshop is the third agenda of a series of LitOUTer Project workshops. The workshop was held for two days on November 3-4th 2022.
In this workshop, the project activities and their impact on the stakeholders were evaluated at the project level. The event was included presentations, discussions, and practical fieldwork. Representatives of the project partners, provincial and district directorates of the ministry, representatives of the municipality, fisheries, maritime, tourism sector, national education representatives, representatives of the Mufti, teachers, students, fishermen, imams, headmen, NGOs, etc. were invite to the workshop. The problem of marine litter, its effects on the environment and the level of knowledge and awareness of the public about solid waste and marine litter were discussed. During the workshop, participants were informed about the awareness activities in neighboring countries and the reaction/participation of the public, and brainstorming was made on the applicability of “GOOD PRACTICES” in the country’s conditions. More than fifty stakeholders and project partner from the Black Sea riparian countries participated in the workshop. The workshop was begun with the presentation by Prof. Dr. Fatma Telli KARAKOÇ then presentation by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Lucica BARBES from Ovidius University, Romania. Some issues were discussed in the workshop including project achievements; targeted activities; identification of gaps obtained as a result of activities carried out during the project; and future collaborations and issues and upcoming international calls projects. |
The second day of the workshop were continued with the meeting of the project partner. The meeting was participated by all project partner. These are the Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) and the Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (IO-BAS) from Bulgaria, the International Center for Business and Economic Development (IBEDC) from Georgia, the Mare Nostrum NGO (MN), and the National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” (NIMRD) from Romania.