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- Karadeniz Technical University Marine Science Faculty (TR) – Lead Partner
- International Business and Economic Development Center (GE) (PP2)
- Non-govermental environmental organization Mare Nostrum (RO) (PP3)
- Bulgaria, Institute of Oceanology – BAS (BG) (PP4)
- National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” (RO) (PP5)
- Black Sea NGO Network (BG) (PP6)
Karadeniz Technical University (KTU) (LP; PP1)
Established 1955, Karadeniz Technical University (KTU), is an institution where teaching and research are closely integrated with modern infrastructure, modern laboratories and good field work opportunities. KTU has high academic research personnel conducting high numbers of national and international projects on various fields carried out by both in-house personnel and in cooperation with industry, public and government authorities.
The Karadeniz Technical University, which is the main actor/owner of the planned project, has been involved in about a total of 48 European Union projects, 12 of which have been completed in the last 5 years and 10 are still in progress. As a result, The Karadeniz Technical University has sufficient equipment in terms of knowledge and experience in implementation and In the past years, Karadeniz Technical University has gained experience as a leader, sometimes as a partner, in international funded projects. On the other hand, the Technology Transfer Application and Research Center (KTU TTM) operating in the Karadeniz Technical University which has a knowledgeable and equipped structure in all national/international funded project types. Only last year more than 200 national project application and 14 international project application has been supported by KTU-TTM. Among 17 faculties of KTU, Faculty Marine Sciences (MSF) covers almost all the aspects relating to Marine Sciences and technology including Fisheries Technology, Aquaculture, Ship design and construction, Marine transportation and management, and maritime business administration. FMS has established a close link with industry by providing practical knowledge to solve their problems via collaborative projects/training courses and educating engineers. Marine Sciences Faculty has been contacting various national and international research projects on this field since its establishment. It also takes role in undergraduate and post graduate education on fisheries technology, marine sciences, ship architecture, deck management. In the faculty, marine sciences are handled in may ways such as marine biology, fisheries aquaculture and pollution. Faculty is the partner of several EU networking, frameworks 6 and 7, and cross border projects for the Black Sea Basin. It has two research vessels, experimental aquaculture unit and many laboratories (e.g. biology, chemistry, water pollution, genetics, fish processing). Faculty has aimed to be more active to solve problems related to the Black Sea, try to increase the research area within the EEZ of Turkey and cooperation with the research institutions in the riparian countries and European institutions.
Karadeniz Technical University Marine Science Faculty has many international projects under 6th Framework Directive and 7th Framework Directive, Twinning projects, and many regional projects. Some of the selected projects which are most related to Project proposal areas are;
- Integrated coastal monitoring of environmental problems in the port sea region and the ways of their solution-ICME” (TR9CI.01-02/298). 2014-2015. Partner
- Investigating the effects of fortified fish soup with natural antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds to improve its shelf life. Bilateral project. Turkish Research Foundation and Slovenian Research Agency. (May 2013-May 2017. Lead Partner. This project helps to utilize filleting waste of cultured trout and therefore, beneficial to sustainable fisheries.
- Strengthening the regional capacity to support the sustainable management of the Black Sea fisheries. Black See Basin Cross Border Cooperation Programme. Partner, (2010-2013). The project’s aim is the cooperation between the Black Sea riparian countries for knowing and rationally managing the marine ecosystem and its resources.
- Socio Economic Effects of Management Measures of The Future CFP. EU, 7th Frame Programme. (2012-2015) Partner.It was aimed to perform a comprehensive analysis of the wide range of current and emerging management measures in the current Common Fisheries Policy (CFP).
- Research networking for the environmental monitoring and mitigation of adverse ecological effects in the Black Sea Basin, EU Black Sea, Crossborder project, EU funded project. NO: TR 10C1.01-2/339, Completed in 2015.
- Mariculture of Horse Mackerel in the Northeast of Black Sea. Turkish Government. No: TAGEM-10/AR-GE/19, 2010-2013. The project aims to investigate the culturing possibilities of horse mackerel in the Black Sea to help sustainable fisheries.
- Research and Restoration of the Essential Filters of the Sea-REEFS”, EU funded project. NO: TR07C1.01-02/086, 2012-2015.
International Business and Economic Development Center (IBEDC) (PP2)
IBEDC is Non-Entrepreneurial(Non-Commercial) Legal Entity. It was founded 2010 in Tbilisi, Georgia. IBEDC is one of the emerging Business Support Organization, BSO in Georgia. It is Business Support organization in promoting International Cooperation and partnership for all stakeholders: Business, Civil Society, Government officials, Decision-Makers and the global community. IBEDC’s mission is direct the effort to protect common interest of the Business Community with aiming to improve Business environment and climate of competitiveness in Georgia. The one of main aims of IBEDC is to encourage Business sector and Entrepreneurship in Georgia. The organization assists and advises entrepreneurs on all questions relating to setting up and doing business in Georgia and abroad, through building business links, solving market access difficulties and overcoming regulatory obstacles. The organization is member of Civil Society National Platform of Eastern Partnership of Georgia and member of Working Group 2 “Economic Integration and Convergence with EU Policies” of Civil Society Forum of Eastern Partnership. The Organization has been coordinator of 3-rd working group (Energy Security and Environment Protection) of EaP platform in Georgia for 2013-14. IBEDC is member of “Economic Policy Advocacy Coalition(EPAC)” since 2016. EPAC supports the development of a business-friendly policy environment through inclusive public-private dialogue. Recently, IBEDC has became member of EU-Georgia Civil Society Platform. IBEDC is consists of well educated and experienced professionals with high competency and expertise in various issues related to business development, entrepreneurship, environment protection issues, waste management etc. Beside of membership and involvement abovementioned platform and coalition, IBEDC has reach experience for the engagement various International and regional framework programs(EU Commission, ENPI and Black Sea CBC Program).
The IBEDC has profound experience for the cooperation and implementation of international projects:
- GreenInn: “Innovations in sustainable management and protection of natural areas – 4GreenInn”; In the framework of ENPI Cross Border Cooperation Joint Operational Programme “Black Sea Basin 2007—2013”; The overall objective was sustainable management of protected natural areas in the Black Sea basin and development of innovative methods for integrating the protected natural areas in the overall strategies for urban and socio economic development in the partnering regions. In Georgia, and specifically in the Ajara region in the framework of the “4GreenInn” project the following activities were implemented:
* Development of the state-of-the-art research about the current condition of all protected natural areas in Ajara region;
* Common web-platform Black Sea Ecopedia – It provides useful information about National Parks, protected natural areas in the Black Sea region. All major protected areas of partner regions are presented on web-platform.
* Info days for promotion of a Black Sea Ecopedia was organized in Batumi;
* Technical design of Nature (Visitor) Centre of Machakhela National Park was developed; • The Demonstration models of the innovative methods for utilizing the potential of protected natural areas developed. - “Implementation of Waste Management Policies in EaP countries according to Association Agreements(Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine)”: In the framework of EaP CSF Re-Granting 2016 Program; The Project was focused on the evaluation Implementation of waste management policies in EaP countries according to Association Agreements,signed within the countries of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, funded by EU Commission, through EaP CSF re-granting programme in 2016. The project aimed to identify the level of implementation of AAs in the field of waste management in the 3 considered countries and involve larger circles of the population to get aware about Eastern Partnership process, integration of MD, GE and UA in EU and what are the steps to be done according to AAs to improve waste management in these countries.
- “Smart Waste Management in Eastern Partnership Countries (Ukraine, Georgia and Moldova)” In the framework of EaP CSF Re-Granting 2017 Program. Funded by EU Commission-Ongoing project The overall objective of the project is to reduce damage to the environment through improved waste management which would increase environmental protection, energy independence and overall – economic development of the EaP countries.
Mare Nostrum (MN) (PP3)
Mare Nostrum consists of a team of committed people with initiative and burning desire to change the world for the better, fighting over 20 years for biodiversity conservation and to preserve the marine ecosystem of Black Sea.
In 1994, a team of ambitious young people would lead to an end, an older goal that must exist an environmental organization in Constanta, in order to fight for changing mentalities and practices used by local community. Thus, Mare Nostrum NGO was funded. Our mission is to empower community, by changing mentalities in order to increase the respect and responsibility towards environment and applying solutions that preserve coastal and Black Sea resources. The vision involves developing responsible environmental communities that contribute to the conservation and sustainable use of resources to improve quality of life and preserving biological diversity. Mare Nostrum is characterized by 6 values: professionalism based on appropriate preparation, supported by an ongoing training and reflected in attitude and activity. Then, it comes integrity that emphasizes the independence in relation to other interests and consistency in fulfilling the mission. Another value is represented by the courage, in daring to represent with perseverance community interests and proactive involvement, our initiative is used to obtain a positive environment impact. Also, efficiency makes us to use optimal the resources in order to solve environmental problems. The last, but not the least we know about environmental responsibility and we have and promote a sustainable conduct towards environment.
We have the support of hundreds of young people and adults, who over time, have been volunteers and interns in our organization, numerous teachers with whom we have a special collaboration, public institutions and other NGOs that fight for common causes, but also sponsors who always appreciated our work and helped us to continue our work and improve our results. From the very beginning, waste management represented one of Mare Nostrum directions. Starting with 1999, were initiated information and awareness campaigns for tourists regarding selective collection of waste Romanian beaches. The longest project implemented by Mare Nostrum is Coastwatch that started in 1999 and is still an actual activity; within this project we inventoried the litter from Romanian beaches and a statistics made, between 2008 – 2016, showed that the most “dirty” year was 2011 with more than 45 300 items. We have to mention the fact that, in each year, the items made of artificial polymeric materials dominated, the number being more than 20000 items. Also, we have to mention the fact that Mare Nostrum NGO is part of the Global Partnership for Marine Litter, since 2016. Then, project “Marine Litter in Europe Seas: Social AwarenesS and CO-Responsibility – MARLISCO”, implemented in 2012 – 2015, was about raising public awareness, facilitate dialogue and promote co-responsibility among different actors towards a joint vision for the sustainable management of marine litter across all European seas. The main activities included a scoping study of the sources and trends regarding marine litter in each Regional Sea, a collection of best practices from all partner countries, a European video contest for youngsters to collect their visions on the issue of marine litter and empower them as agents of change in society, national debates in 12 partner countries and diversified, tailor-made national activities including exhibitions, workshops, festivals, clean ups, etc. Starting with 2015, Mare Nostrum developed a pilot project, monitoring of marine litter in Romanian coastal zone using the methodology proposed in the “Guidance on Monitoring of Marine Litter in European Seas” (2013). Thus were identified 100 m beach samples and was inventoried and eliminated each item identified. Thus, we have established 8 sectors between Vama Veche and Corbu, with more than 41 000 m2, where were identified 31 059 items in two seasons (April – 3884, October – 27175). The most common was the cigarette butt – 16 122 items. The selected sectors were not too clean or too dirty, because in this way, the data can be extrapolated to the entire coastline. After the monitoring and analysis of the obtained data was developed a report that was sent to all the municipalities along Romanian coastline and to national and local authorities.
Bulgaria, Institute of Oceanology – BAS, Marine Biology and Ecology, Marine Geology and Archeology (IO-BAS) (PP4)
Institute of Oceanology BAS is the principal national research body for the multidisciplinary investigation of the Black Sea and the adjacent water basins. Its main activities are focused on the fields of marine physics, marine chemistry, biology and ecology, ocean technologies and marine geology.
IO BAS also offers consulting services, environmental impact assessments, education and training. Institute of Oceanology represents BAS as a co-coordinator of all studies related with the Black Sea and World Ocean by the National Oceanographic Commission (NOC) and successfully directs the research activity and international relations within the frame of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO.
Since 1990, joint projects with EC, NATO, IOC – UNESCO, etc. have been initiated. The Institute of Oceanology took part in the Global Programme for Studying the World Ocean Impact on the Earth climate (Razrezi), the international programmes Global Environment and Interaction between the Danube and the North-Western Part of the Black Sea. Active international collaboration is going on with worldwide leading research centers in Europe and USA. The Institute of Oceanology is responsible for marine environment national monitoring (BG Water Act,2000) covering the physical-chemical parameters, priority substance and specific pollutants, and biological water quality elements in coastal area and supports the activities of BSBD and MoEW in implementation of EU Directives (WFD2000/60/EC, MSFD2008/56/EO, Directive2008/105/EC, Directive2013/39/EU). The IO-BAS is conducting the biological monitoring of commercially important fish species and pelagic surveys under DCR 199/2008 EU in Bulgarian marine area.
The project team participated in series of EU funded projects: The most recent project MELTEMI (Programme: 2014 – 2020 INTERREG VB Balkan-Mediterranean) aims to enhance the legal framework and capacity building at local, national and transnational level for marine litter across 4 different countries of the Eastern Med, the Adriatic and Black Sea. This will be manifested via the creation of the National Action Plan Proposals (NAPPs) and Transnational Action Plan Proposal (TAPP) on marine litter, by the public administrators (and the local stakeholders) supported by the project’s scientists. Environmental Impact Assessment of Varna harbor to 2020 and further perspective -Varna Municipality; ISMEIMP – EU EEA, IMAMO – EU EEA, MARLEN – EU EEA, Environmental monitoring MoEW, Melrose Resources Ltd. – Operational observing system for monitoring the marine environment, NF POMOS: Design and construction of system for monitoring of marine environment of Port areas and Bays on Bulgarian Black Sea coast; Comparative analysis of ecological status of Ukraine and Bulgaria coastal zones – a need for appropriate recovery actions-The Ukrainian-Bulgarian R&D joint project funded by National Science Fund; Monitoring of Bulgarian Black coastal waters according to WFD requirements-Regular contracts with the Ministry of Environment and Waters; MAREAS (FP EU); MARINEGEOHAZARD (FP EU); ESONET (FP EU); South Stream; CESUM-BS (5FP), ASSEMBLAGE (5FP); SESAME (6FP), MISIS (7FP), PERSEUS (7FP), EMODNET (7FP); IRIS-ES (FP7), DEVOTES (FP7) and etc.
The National Institute for Marine Research and Development “Grigore Antipa” (NIMRD) (PP5)
NIMRD is the leading marine research institution in Romania, as well as the technical operator of the national marine monitoring network (physical, chemical and biological). The institute has founded in 1970 and has modern laboratories with research equipment to international requirements for a wide range of research activities in the marine field. Its mission is to conduct interdisciplinary marine research in coastal seas, with special emphasis on the Black Sea. The main activity of the institute includes fundamental, applied and technological development research in the fields of oceanography, marine and coastal engineering, ecology and environmental protection, as well as of the management of living resources in the Black Sea and other ocean. The main national and international responsibilities of the NIMRD are:
* Presidency and registered office of the Romanian National Committee of Oceanology/CNR-UNESCO;
* Permanent Technical Secretariat of the National Coastal Zone Committee, under the coordination of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development (Law 280/24.06.2003 regarding the integrated coastal zone management, art. 68.3/sect. a 4-a);
* Activity coordination and registered office of the International Secretariat for South-Eastern Europe of the Balkan Environment Association (B.EN.A.) and of the training center for environmental professions (B.EN.A.)/NIMRD, since 2002;
* Activity coordination and registered office for the Black Sea Commission related Regional Activity Center for Environmental Aspects of Fisheries and Other Marine Living Resources Management and 5 national focal points (Monitoring and assessment of marine pollution, On-land pollution sources control, Developing the common methodologies for ICZM, Preservation of the biological biodiversity, Environmental aspects regarding the fisheries and resources management),
* Since 1994, Scientific representation of Romania in international organizations (UNESCO/COI, CIESM, FAO, CGPM, CECAF, ICES, GFCM, NATO, GEF/Black Sea, ACCOBAMS, EMB) is being constantly assured by NIMRD;
* Administration of the 2 Mai – Vama Veche Marine Reserve (ROSCI0269) by taking it into custody.
Experiences of NIMRD relevant for the project: NIMRD has considerable experience in confronting the marine litter issue as it has been involved in the collection of data on macrolitter in the Black Sea since mid-2000s. It is also the leading professional body for the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD, 2008/56/EC) and is leading the task on preparation of the National Plan on Marine Litter Monitoring and EEA’s Marine LitterWatch (MLV) development and promotion in Romania. Within the framework of the EC DG Env. MISIS project (”MSFD Guiding Improvements in the Black Sea Integrated Monitoring System”, 2012-2014), the NIMRD proposed a list of common minimum core indicators for for marine litter in the Black Sea, in line with GES D10 of MSFD.
In 2013, with the launching of the research project EU – FP7 CleanSea (“Towards a Clean, Litter-Free European Marine Environment through Scientific Evidence, Innovative Tools and Good Governance”, 2013-2015), the NIMRD has placed special efforts on raising awareness of the consequences of social behaviour over waste production and management. The project also allowed the institute to collect and assess types and quantities of marine litter on the Black Sea seabed. In 2015 NIMRD started beach litter data collection in Romania by using the free mobile app MLW (Marine Litter Watch App) of EEA (European Environment Agency). The institute has introduced the MLW app within Marine Litter Watch Campaign organized by the EU-FP7 PERSEUS project (“Policy-oriented marine Environmental Research for the Southern European Seas”, 2012-2015) in which NIMRD was involved as project partner. Since 2016, NIMRD joined the IG Plastic Group of EPA Network which has a main goal sustaining of the upcoming EU Strategy on Plastics in the Circular Economy.
Black Sea NGO Network (BSNN) (PP6)
BSNN registered in 1999 in Varna, Bulgaria is independent, non-political, non-profit public benefit association of NGOs working on environment and sustainable development issues. BSNN is association of NGOs from the six Black Sea countries: Bulgaria, Georgia, Romania, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, the goal of which is the facilitation of the free flow and exchange of information, resources and experience for the accomplishment of its Mission that is: to contribute to the protection and rehabilitation of the Black Sea, including the Azov Sea, and to the sustainable development of the Black Sea countries through increased participation of NGOs, governments, businesses and other institutions, as well as the general public. The objectives of the association are as follows:
* to develop a relevant structure, mechanisms and practice for advocacy and lobbying local, national and international authorities, businesses and other institutions involved in the decision-making process concerning the Black Sea and the sustainable development of the Black Sea region;
* to identify and address priority Black Sea environmental issues;
* to raise environmental and civic public awareness, and to increase public participation in the decision-making processes concerning the Black Sea at all levels;
* to build the association members’ capacity for the accomplishment of its mission and to defend its members’ interests.
BSNN has members in the six littoral countries and associates in the wider region, the Danube states and Europe. It has implemented many cross-border and international projects. BSNN is observer at the Black Sea Commission since 2001 and member of the European Seas Environmental Cooperation (ESEC) network, coordinated by Seas at Risk, working mainly on Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) issues, including marine litter reduction issues. The organization has permanent office with adequate equipment, staff of 3-4 coordinators depending on project, financial manager, web designer, and legal adviser, pool of experts and volunteers and wide contacts in the Black Sea littoral countries. Four of its leading experts have over 10 years of experience in the management of projects in the third sector, organization of regional events and awareness raising activities. The accountant has fifteen years of experience in financial management of third sector projects and expenditure verification.
The BSNN experts have participated in all projects related to marine litter, monitoring of beaches for litter, training of youth in the use of Marine LitterWatch App etc. The BSNN activities are focused primarily on environmental and sustainability issues related to water management and protection and rehabilitation of the Black Sea and its resources, protection and rehabilitation of the Black Sea and its resources, as well as public involvement and also youth involvement and networking. The organization has long record of cross-border cooperation with partners in the region in environmental education, awareness raising activities, expert involvement and cooperation with scientific and educational establishments, addressing decision makers and authorities on local, national and regional level , environmental protection and campaigning with funding or with volunteer involvement , including marine litter reduction campaigns marking the 20th anniversary of International Black Sea Action Day October 31, 2016 on regional and national level. BSNN in its daily activities manages and implements projects on national and cross-border level, organizes training, publicity and media events, meetings, workshops, conferences, expert work, publications, networking. BSNN areas of thematic competence include regional, national and EU environmental policies, Black Sea issues and policies, international water management issues, Black Sea and international biodiversity protection, Natura 2000 sites, sustainable development, coastal zone management, data collection and management, production of databases of good practices, environmental governance, environmental education, youth involvement, civil society development, stakeholder involvement, advocacy and lobbying. Over the years BSNN has been leader to most of its implemented projects. The organization will manage the project and participate in all project activities of the symmetrical project. Projects implemented by BSNN are available on its website and subpages from links on project lists both in English and Bulgarian. The projects most relevant to the project are listed in the other section.